There are several different types of planning applications that you can submit. Here are some of the most popular types of planning applications, most of which can be submitted online:

• Householder planning consent for alterations or extensions of your house.
• Full planning consent to carry out certain changes of use, or operations to land or buildings.
• Outline planning consent when you’d like the council to consider the principle of a proposal before preparing detailed drawings for matters such as siting, design, external appearance, means of access and landscaping, which will eventually require granted reserved matters application.
• Reserved matters to get approval of any matters not considered under an outline planning application, once the detail of a proposal is available. This requires a granted outline planning permission before consideration of reserved matters.
• Non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission for further amendments on an approved planning application.
• Application for removal or variation of planning conditions.
• Listed building and conservation area consent to alter a listed building or demolish buildings, walls or other means of enclosure in a conservation area.
• Notice of intention for agricultural or forestry development.
• Advertisement consent for certain types of advertisements.
• Lawfulness development certificate for developments that do not have the necessary planning permission.